Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I'm still thinking. Whether to take the offer up or not.

I've read all sorts of thing, from websites to forums. I've asked family and friends.

But still I can't decide.

Why is it so DAMN HARD for me to decide??

80% of my family members are objecting resolutely giving me all sorts of reasons: job future, language problem, environment adaptations, culture readjustment... ...

Up to 90% pf my friends are supporting me with might and encouragement, I love you guys.


I know, I'm young and all, I should go out into the world and take a look, go overseas, be one of those few ones (I mean about 10+) to be offered by Petronas to go overseas for Pre-U AND Degree, go for this adventure, learn all the new stuff, gain wonderful experience as well as enjoy the weather and everything.

But, what if I accidentally slip and fall? I mean, it's all in French, the course and everything else. People don't speak English there. And job future? Where can I go in Petronas while I work for them for 10 years? And the bond, the sum of money I have to pay back if this thing doesn't turn out to be beautiful?

It's been 24 hours since I know I'm going to France for chemical engineering. And yet, after hours and hours of thinking, gathering all the things I've thought, I can't decide.

I'll wait till I got the package and read through the contract. Then I'll see again. Dammit.

I really hate making decisions. I never knew choosing between a "yes" or "no" can be so perplexing and brain-straining.

Here comes the lamest question of all time: If you are in my shoes now, what would you do?


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