Friday, April 11, 2008

A horrible feeling...

There's always something I'm very scared of, so scared that whenever I thought of it, I felt a cold horrifying feeling running through my heart.

I'm very scared that someday the people whom I cared changed so badly that I feel like - I didn't know him or her anymore.

Sometimes, I would think that at least if the person died, at the very least, he/she dies as someone you cared and loved. But if it's something like I mentioned above, then it is really, the death of him/her.

Sometimes the changes are so drastic that, it hurts when you look at the person.

Really, it does.

Sometimes, the person didn't actually change. It's just that, he/she reverts back to the previous state.

This, I admit, is an even more horrible thing that might happen. Because, it feels as though the person is hiding away the history and the true personality away from you.

Sometimes it hurts so much, I can just forget the person and try to act as if he/she doesn't exist.

It's unfair to the person, but at least the person didn't feel the pain of being forgotten by someone whom once cared about him/her.

It can be the most cruel act in the world, the most silent weapon ever in history.


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