Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I was sick like hell.

Mostly vomiting.

Luckily I started vomiting after I went to college, NOT on the way to college *thank god somehow*.

And luckily before I vomit somehow I managed to get to the toilet first, thus not making a huge gross scene in the classroom *thank god somehow again*.

Let me tell you what did I vomit:
  • 1st to 3rd time: The fried mee siam I ate yesterday morning.
  • 3rd to 5time: All the water I drank that morning.
  • 5th to 7th time: All the saliva I've swallowed into the stomach.
  • 7th to 8th time: THE GREEN BILE from the stomach (seriously it's GREEN in colour).
I know, it's gross, but it gives you a vivid picture of how painful it is for me to vomit.

Anyway, I think I've vomited about 12 times yesterday. My stomach keep CONTRACTING and CONTRACTING even though there is NOTHING LEFT for me to continue to vomit. The painfulness of it...damn.

The doctor said I got food poisoning. =_=ll.

I knew it's because I forgot to put that mee siam into the fridge on Sunday night. But whatevs.

In the end, I missed two classes and slept for the whole afternoon.

Thank goodness for the anti-vomit pill. If not I'll continue to vomit till it reaches 50+ times I think.

ALL HAIL TEH ANTI-VOMIT PILL (or whoever who created you)!!!

I am NEVER eating spoilt food anymore. >o<~



Unknown said...

Ewww~ *imagining the colors and bubbles and other stuffs*

Next time don't eat already, even if it doesn't smell. X___X

Yvonne said...

YEAH of course I wouldn't take that risk again!

LOL one of my college mate got so worried she advised me not to pack any "wet food" for my dinner when we were having our lunch LOL.

Looks like I got everyone worried bout me. SORRY!!! Gomenasai!! And thanks *feeling warm-hearted* ^^.