Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Okay, I'm gonna spare you all those crap but all I can say is, what's supposed to happen on Orientation Day happened. That's it. XD.

The Orientation's from 10a.m. till afternoon about 2.xxp.m. After that me and my newfound friends looked for our classroom for about half an hour. Seriously. But at last we found it so tomorrow we wouldn't have to look for the classroom in a rush =).

And can you believe that there is NO COLLEGE TOUR on Orientation Day?? Yes I can't believe it either. Reason? Too many students. I mean, wth?? Come on man, other college which has over 900+ accounting freshmen did the tour as well but not us?? Whatevs.

OK, I'll forget about the college tour. So naturally I expected a college map for us so that we wouldn't get lost. Guess what? There is NO college map in the orientation kit.

I guess they wanted us to EXPLORE the place ourselves like how Harry and Hermione and Ron did in HOGWARTS.

Hm, I wonder when will I find a secret chamber with three-headed dogs in it.

Clearly, this college has some dark corners or rooms which we can't ever know what is it.

And of course, without college tour and college map, it's a fantastic place for the direction-sense-is-zero me to get lost.




Unknown said...

Secret chamber with 3 head dogs... LOL!!! Good one! *has been HP hot-ing again*

Hope you'll get use to your new environment. All the best~! p(^ ^)q

Yvonne said...

Thanks for your support ^^. Ganbarimasu!