Sunday, February 1, 2009

The nights when tears fell..

The music's twinkly pretty, and the lyric's sweet =)

by alice nine.

この頃 息苦しいんだ 鏡の中探しても
Recently i've been suffocating, even if i search in the mirror
自分の存在だって 確かに感じられない
I can't feel my own existence unquestionably

悲しみが頬伝い 窓の外 見上げ
Sadness runs along my cheek, outside the window, looking up
夜空には 一つでは輝けない 星達
In the night sky, stars that can't shine on their own

I didn't notice.
自分の 心臓の音も
The sound of my own heart
It'd be good if it could also become someone else's rhythm
変わらず そこに在ればいい
And stay there unchanging

生きる意味 探してた
I searched for the meaning of living
A light that looked like it could go out


確かめた 君の手の 温もり 忘れない
I won't forget the warmth of your hand that I've ensured

過ぎ去った 涙降る夜
The nights when tears fell, that passed away,
その中で 手を広げた
Inside of that, i spread my arms
飛べるさ 目を閉じたなら…二人で 願えたのなら
I can fly, if i close my eyes... if the two of us could have wished

重ねてた 一人では輝けない プレアデス
The piled up Pleiads that can't shine on their own
変わらずに またここで 君と笑おう
Without changing, again, I'll smile here with you

So sweet pain...
Be as one, forever & ever...


SHOU~~ ♥


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