Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I found it REALLY FUNNY to see someone hate another person without any concrete reasons.

For example, this person would say something like "I hate Mary because she looks so stupid/arrogant/crazy and always wears like she going for some serious function."

So what if she looks stupid/arrogant/crazy? Is that any of your business?

None. Right?

So stop minding other people's business.

It's her freedom to look/behave any way she likes. But then again, I don't really care if you want to burn out your brain cells whining over ridiculous matter like this.

And besides, perceptions are not always correct, especially biased ones like yours.

If you can't see the point, put yourself in her shoes then. Imagine if someone says behind your back, "I don't like Sarah because she's always so boring and her sense of humour is zero."

How would you feel, eh?


So please, open up your world. Pleasantness makes the world a better place for everyone to live in.


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