Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Don't be so Cocky

They say, don't ever assume that you know a person completely well.

Unless you're the person him/herself.

Human behavior changes all the time that in every second changes occur.

You might think you know a person completely well, wait till reality slaps you awake and suddenly one of your friends is someone else you can never understand.

Being a good friend is not one who monitors and suffocates his/her friends without leaving him/her any space to breathe. It's one who knows her friends' personality and molds him/herself into it.

I have a good friend. She's not much of the chatty type. Every time I tried to get her talking she just can't squeeze out more words than necessary. Soon I realized what I have to do, left her alone and just chat occasionally to keep in touch. But to me she's still a good friend.

Sometimes having a personal principle might be a correct thing, but flexibility is a good thing too.

But of course those are just my personal opinions. = )


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