Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Memory

I've probably said it before, but I think my memory's deteriorating. I'm serious.

There're only a handful childhood memories I can recall without fail, but I have problems remembering people's names these days as well.

Whether it's long term or short term memories, my mind have problems remembering both. My mind's like this sieve with random holes all over, letting some memories pass through and while some remains.

I have a feeling that I'll suffer from Alzheimer's in my old age. If I live that long, that is.

It's scary sometimes. Death isn't scary at all, losing your memories is.



Unknown said...

Hrm... At times like this Sudoku is useful? It's good for Alzheimer. ^^"

Yvonne said...

Yeah..I have it on my phone... But my skill's still not that good... >.<