Thursday, April 2, 2009

LOLed So Hard

I forgot to note this down earlier.

Well yesterday during tax class my lecturer droned on about luxurious life, countless cash, Rolex gold watches and so on (again).

So then as he was recalling his best "score" and that's with a real rich gal who have this luxurious department store card in multiple countries, he started to "teach" guys in my class, the dialogue went on roughly like this:

"Guys, don't worry, there're still lotsa fish in the sea... Like that time when I went on that date with that girl who got me the watch (referring to his gold watch), blah blah blah... chicks... blah blah blah..."

And then Osh turned her head over to us and said "CHICKENS?"

OMG we LOL-ed so hard, those who hadn't get that turned to look at us with annoyed yet bewildered expressions.

Seriously, chickens. WAHAAHAAAAAAA~~~

I have no idea that humans of the opposite gender had harnessed such obsessions for young creatures of another species. WAHAAHAAAAAA WTF.

That's to you guys who call girls as CHICKS! You suckers!

Gosh I'm so friggin effin pissed at guys who call gals as chicks. Wait till I start calling you guys as ducklings. How'd you like that, eh?

Exactly, suckers. :)



Unknown said...

Why of all animals are we refered to as chicks... I wonder... XD

Duckilngs sounds good on them. It's a good combination. Chicks & ducklings. XD

Yvonne said...

I wonder too, day and night my friend, day and night. Lol.