Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Just changed blog song.

I think I've been listening to this song for over 100 times within these 2 months.

月とナイフ (Tsuki no Naifu)
by スガ シカオ (Suga Shikao)

If my words are not enough for you
胸をナイフで裂いて えぐり出してもいい
Cut my heart with a knife and rip it out
君の迷いと 言い訳ぐらい
Your excuses and hesitations -
ほんとは僕だって 気づいてたのさ
Really, even I noticed it

いつかまた あんなふうに誰かを憎むのかな
Will I hate someone like that again?
だとしたら もっともっと
If so, embrace me more and more
抱きしめて トゲのように心に刺さればいい
Like a thorn piercing your heart,
あなたに ずっとずっと 残ればいい
Let it remain in you, forever and forever...

今更何も 言わないけれど
From now on, it would be better not to say anything
君の言葉は全部 ウソでいいんだろう
For all your words are lies
If I repeat it over and over
僕の涙はいつか 月に届くだろう
Maybe someday, my tears will reach the moon

僕はまた あんなふうに誰か愛せるのかな
Will I be able to love someone like that again?
その時は きっときっと
When the time comes, surely, without a doubt,
かぐわしい 風のように時が流れればいい
I can move on like the fragrant wind flowing over time

いつまでもずっとずっと 続けばいい
Forever, always, continuing......


It's a simple song, with his raw voice and quite acoustic guitar background, but it seeps into my heart simple as it is.


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