Sunday, July 4, 2010


Something is VERY wrong with blogger.

Can you guys my fellow bloggers tell me which are you using: Updated Editor or Old Editor?
(You can choose this option in the "Basic" tab under your Settings for the blog)

I'm still using the Old Editor, as I prefer it better, but I find that the image placeholding function is kinda f-ed up.

Before the UPDATED editor comes in, I can move the image wherever I want to in the post and when it's published, you can still click on it to get a larger image.

Now, I can't. If I want that function, I need to get all the pictures on top of the posts. Or deal with the troublesome html.

Gah I don't know if you guys even get what I'm talking about.

I'm probably going mad.

And I'm tired. And today's the LAST DAY of my holiday before hell starts. Sigh.

Anime, at times like this, you keep me going.



K3llY'ing said... your old my new and my new your old? LOL..I changed to new editor and I love it a lot..regarding the image thingy, I don't seem to have that problem with the new editor, with the old editor instead..LOL..

wait..or do you mean, they have ANOTHER new one?

Yvonne said...

I'm not sure if they have another new one... as you know I just pick up my pace only recently... lol...