Thursday, November 27, 2008

Some Thoughts

I realized I haven't been emo in here for quite some time already.

But anyway, it's 1:38am here now, a time for emo, sad feelings, and inspiration.

I realized that to some of you I'm a person who are more inclined to give up easily.

Well, let me confirm your perception, I am.

But I don't just give up for the sake of giving up.

I give up because I don't think it's right to go against the natural flow.

I'm those who support the whole fate theory, "going along with the flow", and all the other blah blah blahs.

Those may be blah blah blahs, but I believe in it.

If it's meant to be yours then it will be yours.

Even if you go against the flow and make it yours, eventually something will happen to MAKE you hand it back in, or to exchange what you've forced to be yours with another possession of the same value.

I know, sometimes when we really want something we should really go for it, but this rule doesn't apply to all things.

But I do believe that, one day when you fall to the bottom of the pit, what you need to do, is get yourself a hot chocolate, watch a lil bit of TV, and suddenly things will start to brighten up again.

Giving ups happens all the time, whether if you're aware of it or not.

In my opinion, this complies with one of the most famous law in the world, "for every action there must be a reaction."

When you gain something, there must be something else you're losing, whether you can register the loss or not.

It may not be something as obvious as buying a shirt, where you lose your money to gain a new shirt.

Most of the time we do not know what we're losing when we gain something new.

This may sound ugly but,

I gained a new close friend when I lost my grandpa;

I gained a lesson when I lost my opportunity;

I gained freedom when I lost the warmth of love.

I'm usually aware of the things I gained when I lost something significant.

The gain and loss may not be directly or even related at all. But when the pattern starts to happen in a rather significant frequency, you'll notice it.

Well, don't take what I said seriously anyway, it's just my opinion that's all.

But sometimes I really hope that I have the guts to make some huge changes without any concern about what kind of losses that may comes along. But usually it's the potential losses that hold us back isn't it?

Betting with the god of fate can be the most perilous thing ever.

It may be a selfish thing to do as well, placing other factors such as your friends and family on the poker table as chips.

Dare to bet?


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