Friday, January 9, 2009


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'd like to introduce to you all a lovely and life-saving technology today, which is so brilliant and marvelous that I MUST recommend it to each and every one of you future road-user out there.

You've probably heard it before, the fantastic technology I'm referring to here is called the GPS navigating system.

Please feel free to click on that link as I now feel very lazy to explain the rest of the details to you. XDXDXD

The GPS navigating software I'm using is Garmin MobileXT on my beloved N82.

Today I nearly got lost, but thank god for GPS (and Garmin), I didn't wander out to the outskirts of the country this afternoon.

Fine, I used some mild exaggeration in the previous sentence (wander out to the outskirts), but I'm doing that to illustrate the usefulness of this amazing piece of technology to you.

It's especially useful for road-idiots like me.



HoNgInN said...

haha... Did GPS company pay you up to make such advertisement?? :P Yup, but I agree with u that GPS is very very useful... But msia now still not yet have much development on these.. and the map still yet to be updated.. Maybe a few more years ba.. Haha..

HoNgInN said...
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Yvonne said...

That, my friend, is where you're wrong. Malsing Map V2.30 Gold is a comprehensive map dated as late as Aug 2008 (and continue updating every few months). I turn on my GPS, walk out under the sky, wait for maximum 2 minutes, and I have a satellite with me for the rest of my journey :)