Monday, January 5, 2009

Tagged by LYing~

Instruction: According to your age, list down the number of things that most people dont know about you. And then tag 5 people.

  1. I'm sort of a clean freak.
  2. I'm cool and cold and unable to speak coherently in front of a guy I like.
  3. I hate to primp myself in front of others anywhere anytime.
  4. I wash hands before I sleep.
  5. I'm obsessed with electronic gadgets and technology stuff.
  6. I usually speak what I think, 70% of the time.
  7. I absolutely hate those "sweet" taiwanese female artists.
  8. I will embrace death willingly when the time comes.
  9. I hate Coca-cola.
  10. I dislike soda generally, the soda that least irritates me would be Sprite or 7-Up.
  11. I love modern chick flicks hehe.
  12. I can lie very well, if I intend to.
  13. I cry like crazy while watching "When Harry Met Sally", every single fcukin time.
  14. Sometimes I believe in my imaginations and assumptions too much, and that's very dangerous.
  15. I absolutely HATE celery and bitter gourd.
  16. I disappoint people who are too close to me, a lot of times.
  17. I don't think I'm someone stable emotionally.
  18. I like soft sweet drink a lot, for example honey.
  19. Although I know it's impossible, I wish for supernatural power (namely the power of teleport) all the time.
  1. Shadows
  2. Siew Lee
  3. Agnes
  4. Asser
  5. Felicia

Phew, so hard to think about this.


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