Thursday, January 8, 2009


Thank god I'm not a huge fan of the colour pink.

Because I happened to notice this when I was sitting around in some shoe shop the other day.

Had I been a huge fan of pink sandals, I would've bought this whole rack home.

I'm not kidding. Rows and rows of PINK SANDALS with ZILLIONS of DIFFERENT DESIGNS.


The creator of this batch of sandals must be some kind of pink-colour-obsessed-woman-whom-in-her-childhood-didn't-own-any-

My my, that must be the longest word I've ever made. Oh well.

Yes, that's my silver flats. Yes, that's part of my feet.

And yes, I know my silver flats look like they're from the outer space but hey, they're at least better than those PINKY SANDALS.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate pink the colour, it's just that when the colour pink's around me EVERYWHERE, I grow wary. That's all. =)


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