Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Near-faint Experience

That's as close to being actually fainted to the floor as I can get. 

That's right, I've never fainted before. But being a budding full-blown mysophobia (aka germophobia) I think I'll prefer that I never had to faint in my entire life thank you. 

It happened yesterday's noon, after my shower which I've stopped my research paper mania to take, while I was in the washroom beside my bedroom. I was vomiting. But nothing physical except gastric acid, which was greenish yellow in colour, the liquid which burned through my throat and nose canal, now that's acid for you. 

After so long since I've blogged, you never expect me to post a new one on vomiting, eh? *silent snickers*

Anyway, it happened so suddenly, so unexpected, because prior to the shower, I felt just fine. No sign of any discomfort except for the occasional coughs and super runny nose. 

Then it all changed in minutes. Funny how life can change in such a short period of time. You'd think that you have been doing something or being somewhere or seeing something or being with someone FOREVER, and then snap! Your whole life changed in just that one second or whatever. 

Oh, Time. You cruel surprise-lover. 

Back to the topic, I couldn't really identify the actual cause of my unexpected blip. Because I was really dishevelled trying to complete my paper on time (and I'm still doing that), skipping meals, skipping showers, skipping brushing my teeth, skipping sleeps, skipping a lot of things. 

Maybe it's the skipping meal thing. But I have skipped meals or took meals at the most unregular hours before (how does a dinner at 4a.m. sounds to you?) so why this time??? My body trying to tell me that I'm getting old? (I'm not quite that old yet, mind you.)

Anyway, moral of the lesson: 

Don't torture yourself 
skipping your needs 
trying to complete something 
that you can always try again. 

And I mean it. Because you will never know what are you sacrificing in order to finish something that you can always try again. Your health. Your unborn baby. Your close family member. Your cherished thing that seemed to be around forever until you realise that it is not so permanent after all. 

Always, always, take care of yourself. As the chinese saying goes, it equates to filial piety to your parents. 

Provided that you have parents who cares about you. Forget about cold-blooded beasts who don't give a sh*t about their offsprings. 

So that's that. Until next time, 

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