Monday, March 23, 2009


Stole this from Kelly~~ (Wait I thought it's Ebony? I'm now very confused lol).

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Yvonne!

  1. Worldwide, Yvonne is the most important natural enemy of night-flying insects.
  2. Peanuts and Yvonne are beans. (Boy am I glad.)
  3. Yvonneocracy is government by Yvonne! (Interesting...)
  4. Olive oil was used for washing Yvonne in the ancient Mediterranean world.
  5. There is no lead in a lead pencil - it is simply a stick of graphite mixed with Yvonne and water.
  6. Yvonne never said 'Play it again, Sam'.
  7. Twenty-eight percent of Microsoft's employees are Yvonne. (=D=D=D)
  8. Yvonne can't drink - she absorbs water from her surroundings by osmosis!
  9. Some hotels in Las Vegas have Yvonne floating in their swimming pools.
  10. It's bad luck for a flag to touch Yvonne.
I am interested in - do tell me about

I'm amused. =D


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