Saturday, March 7, 2009

Country Koko


All hail to Queen Min Ee, who agreed to hang out with me and get some yummy food and happy shopping at the very last minute (I asked her yesterday night). Indeed, it's very sudden, she said.

But how sudden was that?? I've been whining to get Korean food for what, the past few months!!

Anyway that's not the point, my dear readers, let me present you, the Korean cuisine.

Believe it or not, the restaurant's called "country koko".
Now, what kind of Korean name is that? Lol.

Take #1
Actually we didn't order that much food,
those that come in small plates are actually appetizers (banchan).
There're about 8-10 plates of them.
(please don't freak it's a common practice in Korean restaurants =D)

Take #2
More appetizers and my order.

Appetizer #1
One of my favourites - Pan-fried Egg-covered Soft Potato =D

Appetizer #2
Typical appetizer - Kimchi.

Appetizer #3
Kimchi-ed Sliced Tofu.

Our shared order - Spicy Korean Style Rice Cake (Topoki)

It's very satisfying so please eat topoki when you're really really
I've-never-had-any-food-in-three-days hungry.

My order - Kimchi Chigae
It's basically stew (sliced chicken meat, kimchi, tofu, and others)
with Kimchi as soup base, served with rice.

Kimchi Chigae zoomed in =D

Min Ee's order - Naengmyeon (Cold Noodles)
It's really nice! Cold and tasty!!

Man I love Korean food! ^o^~ For those who can't take spicy, you're in a great trouble cuz 60% of Korean food is indeed, spicy. =D



Anonymous said...

I hate u and your food posts! *kills*

Man I'm hungry...

Yvonne said...
