Okay, this time, it's one of those popular anime otaku's must watch - Ah! My Goddess (aka Aa Megamisama) anime review. If I'm not mistaken, this anime's popular about one or two years ago? That's when I first heard of the title. Well, to tell the truth, from the title (or at least, from the synopsis) already I can practically predict the whole story without using an ounce of my brain juice. Seriously, it's all clichés, nothing new to be expected at all. But oh whatever I'll just watch and see what happens. It's popular for a reason anyway.
Now, where should I start? First thing's first, let me tell you all anime otakus out there: THERE IS NO HOTTIE in the anime!!! ヾ(≧Д≦)ノ~~ After I watched the first 3 episodes of the anime then I was like, "Hey, where're the hot guys which can usually be found in an anime?". Then I realized for the first time that - This anime is about goddess, not god, so don't expect a hottie in here. As I realize that my expression looked like this --- (=o=ll)~~ If I'm a guy, I think I might like this a lot since there are THREE hot main goddess character in the anime - Belldandy, Urd and Skuld (Yeah, I know, weird name, don't ask).
Anyway let's continue. I have to say, this anime's starting point is one of the most absurd starting I've ever watched in so many animes. Really. Unless you consider that calling the goddess by phone+goddess appearing out of a mirror is not absurd, then you can go ahead and watch this anime with joy. But urgh not me. Although to tell the truth the absurdness of it doesn't really irk me that much because well, it's still, an anime, what do you expect from it?? Of course some absurdness and "specialty" points would be included. It's fiction after all.
Again, I wanted to point out that this anime is a truly shounen anime. What with those goddess and stuff, plus some slightly perverted scenes in some episodes, a guy might find this very er, entertaining. But all I can do while watching it is =___=ll. And eyes rolling as well. No wonder it's so popular, because the guys like it *runs before gets bricked*. Nevertheless, I'd like to add that the main character of the anime, Keiichi Morisato, is sort of cute (personality-wise). But that type of cute personality (shyness) is quite common anyway. So let's move on.
I think, the most annoying character in this anime should be Belldandy's younger sister Skuld? Skuld is one of the goddess who's good in making machines and robots. She loves picking a fight with anybody and she can't stand Belldandy and Keiichi being together for some reason. Which is why it annoys me a lot. But one thing which is really funny is that she always include this self-bombing (自爆) feature in all her invention. So when something happens (like her robot lost in a competition in one of the episodes), she will activate it and the whole thing will bomb up by itself (also affecting the person around the machine). XD. Somehow I find that kind of amusing and can't help smiling when the thing bombed up.
Personally, I think I prefer Urd of all the characters in the anime. She's Belldandy's elder sister and is supposed to be hot and sexy. But somehow I don't find her all that "hot and sexy". XD. Anyway, that's not my point. My point is that I like how Urd can act appropriately when she's serious. And that's not to say she's a boring person because usually she's this maniac woman who loves to watch wrestling or something on TV. LOL. And I love the moment when Urd's long-ago angel emerged when Urd tried to summon it back after so many years. It's got this "ohm" effect that I like a lot.
Did I mention that one of the amusing thing I found in this anime is that all the anime episodes start with "Ah!"? No seriously, all of the episode names do start with "Ah!". The creator must have some quirky obsession towards that syllable "Ah!". If not how do you explain this? Never mind. Sometimes I couldn't help but wonder if the anime is actually what the creator imagined his life to be? I mean, I can totally imagine that you know, a guy who wished that his life is surrounded with goddess and stuff. Well, I think this question can only be answered by the author himself.
Then I wanna comment a bit about the ending of this anime. Again, I have to use the word "absurd" here. I mean, the transferring of the demon for THREE times?? Maybe the creator can't think of anymore stuff to draw or something, thus this transferrings so that hopefully the story can be dragged longer. Urgh. But luckily it's just for one episode. And I laughed so hard when Urd starts to throw unlimited supply of bombs from Skuld to the villain in this crazy way. LOL. Anyway, the ending of this anime is a good, satisfying, happy one. But why in the world a goddess would end up with someone like Keiichi still puzzles me until now.
As for the soundtrack, they're all good and nice enough for this anime. But the starting and ending theme songs are so-so. The second ending theme song's kind of pleasant though with this hint of summer siesta feel. And some of the OSTs (Original Sound Track) in this are really good as well, but I can't point out which, sorry XD. Overall, I'd give a rating of 6.8 out of 10 for the soundtracks and theme songs of the anime.
The rating of this anime, in my honest opinion, would be a 6.9 out of 10. Although this is a cliché-loaded anime, but at least I'm attracted to watch it till the end. The artwork is above average, but not beautiful enough to give it an A. Watch this when you've got nothing better to watch (but in my case, actually I do have something better to watch X'D~).
I think that's it for Ah! My Goddess Review. My next anime will be --- *drumroll* --- Death Note!! Finally! *salivating* I can't wait to watch it!
I've watched this before but I don't remember everything. @w@
Don't worry, I also completely forgot some of the animes I've watched earlier too. So sometimes I pick some episodes and rewatch them. Heehee..
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