Monday, May 12, 2008


I got France.


And you know what? If I take it, I'm going to fly 1st of June.

1ST OF JUNE!!!!!!!!!!!

I know it's going to be soon. BUT NOT THIS SOON.

My feelings are so mixed up. I don't know what to say.

Of course, I'm happy that I got France. At the very least, it's not a third world country (no offence). And France is beautiful, I admit.

But man! I mean, I don't speak French, I don't watch French films, I barely heard French before, and I have never seen French people before.

My french basic language is so basic, that it's only to the extend of "J'mapelle Yvonne".

I have no idea what French sounds like.

How am I going to cope??!

OMG. I really have to think HARD for this.

Btw, the institute I got is IUT Colmar (Colmar University Institute of Technology).

And guess what? The official website is in FRENCH.


Can I cope??? Should I go??? Should I not go and get stuck here and go get Accounting and forget all these???

This is, a very very complicated, important, decision. Which will probably cause dramatic changes in my life. One or another.

Dear God, tell me what to do.


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