Saturday, April 26, 2008

It's funny that...

...when I start giving up things suddenly just got better all of a sudden.

Sometimes, maybe we just need a little bit of time and space to let it go and then things will be back to normal.

Somehow this reminds me of the tin mining process. The one that involves swirling the mixture in a pan until you get only the tin itself.

So is certain relationships. Sometimes, time and space is needed to swirl away those dirt and dust, leaving the pure silvery tin behind. The shimmering, clean, tin.

I am very happy that the dust can be easily be swirled off like that.

Thank you, my dear friend.

I know, I need to change. And I thank you for letting me to know that subtly.

Although the way I talk to you may no longer be the same, you will feel the awkwardness and artificial manner in my way of speaking with you, as if I just know you for 3 days, be assured that, you still have a place in my heart.

Only that, I can't be myself anymore around you. You have made me put on my mask.

I'm very sorry that this is happening. But since this is your wish I will be only to happy to oblige.


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