Sunday, July 19, 2009

Be Ready...

Be ready, my dear readers (if there're still any "readers" left after I've "abandoned" my blog for so friggin long =D).

Be ready for what?

Well, I'm going to SPAM my blog A LOT. BUT, those posts will be dated as far as 2 months ago =)

Yes, I'm going to post everything you guys have missed for the past 2 months.

Oh don't be scared yet =.= It's not like 70 posts, I'm not that crazy, I think. Most probably about 20 posts. =D Those 20 posts will be scattered in between the posts you guys have already seen/read, so let's play a little hide and seek game shall we? If you can find those posts, there'll be a lot of eye candies waiting for you (Hint hint: eye candies=delicious food discovery XD).

Major blog-posts-spamming by yours truly will start effectively tomorrow/day after tomorrow, cuz now I'm friggin sleepy after editing the pictures that I'm going to post for the past 2 hours.

Let the game begin :)


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