Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm Here.

Lately I've been listening to a lot of old songs in my music collection and it's like rediscovering treasure.

Here's lyric of a really relaxed song, as usual from Suga Shikao.

ココニイルコト (Koko ni Iru Koto)
by Suga Shikao

Woo Baby 愛する人は 抱きあうたび 涙を流す
Woo Baby When lovers hug each other, tears will flow
Even though I hold your trembling fingers,
it's not enough to know your sadness..

Oh..別れの瞬間は闇をつたって やがて思い出のすべてを
Oh..I walk in the darkness on the moment we parted
Not long the memory will change into pain

かんじるいたみは ココニイタコト
The pain I feel, the fact that I'm here
ふるえるあなたと ココニイタコト
With the trembling you, the fact that I'm here

Baby~ Right~ No no no...

Woo Brother いやしいことに 失うたび 誰かを求める
Woo Brother I'm in need of someone when I'm lost in greediness
ひろいこの街で生きて行く それはくり返すことかもしれない..
Living in this wide city, probably is something repetitive..

Oh..The light that I give off in this moment,
even though it's not a reaching distant;
I will aim it on you

ゆがんだ光は ココニイルコト
The crooked ray of light, is here
伝える全ては ココニイルコト
Everything that I can tell, is here

Baby 何度も何度でも 悲しい夜をかさねて..
Baby It doesn't matter how much the sad nights accumulate...
少しずつ輝きを ましていければ・・・
If the radiance grow little by little...

Oh, oh, oh!

ぼくらが二度とない 今に光る星ならば
If there's not another chance for us to become twinkling stars again;
きのうと変わらない 今日を生きる意味がある..
There's a meaning for us to live our lives just like yesterday..

ゆがんだ光は ココニイルコト
The crooked ray of light, is here
伝える全ては ココニイルコト
Everything that I can tell, is here


I really love his style of music sometimes.


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