Saturday, December 19, 2009

ありがとう 心から...

Been listening to this song non-stop recently. Yes I know it's mellow and not something I usually would listen to but hey it's nice and I like how ORANGE RANGE sing it - with a very kind, grateful, and soft voice. I heard of the indie band ORANGE RANGE since few years back, due to their extensive works covering dramas (Hanazakarino Kimitachi e - Ikenai Taiyou), movies (the record-breaking song "Hana"), and animes (Code Geass). Majoring in alternative rock, in my honest opinion, they produce surprising good songs occassionally. And the unique part of it is that sometimes they're not in the rock genre. And this song is one of those.

シアワセネイロ (Shiawase Neiro)

胸の中いつか拾った 幸せのかけら 集めてみよう
I'll try gathering up the pieces of happiness
that I picked up some other time in my chest

忘れかけていた メロディー 色あせず僕の真ん中に
A melody that I started to forget about is
right in the middle of me, unfading

借りたままの漫画捜索中 たまたま見つけた色あせた文集
While I was searching through borrowed comic books,
from time to time I found faded anthologies

It was me who laughed out loud like an idiot
at stuff like "seize the world"

During the days when I seized not the world
but the hanging strap on the train

While smiling and saying, "I'm sorry,"
to me back then, you lowered your head

ありがとう 心から
Thank you, from my heart
I owe it to everyone for now to exist in me
ありがとう 心から
Thank you, from my heart
次は僕が皆にHAPPY贈るよoh oh oh
Next it'll be me who delivers happiness to everyone oh oh oh

何もかも忘れないよ あの日のボクモボクだから
I won't forget just about everything since me back then was also me
It was useless that I didn't always say 'I love you'
辛ければ逃げてもいいよ またここに帰ってくるのなら
When it's tough, it's okay even if you run away,
if you return here again

Let's go make various stops on the way in the original days

止まらない町の真ん中で いつかからか君はうつむき加減
Right in the middle of an unstopping city,
since when have you been looking down?

抱える「気持ち」が多すぎて 一人きりでパンクしちゃってる
You hold too many "feelings" and blow out like a tire all alone
だから僕の言葉を聞いて 幸せをくれた君のため
So listen to my words, for you who gave me happiness
力を送るよday by day
I'll give you strength day by day

胸の中あふれそうな 幸せのかけら つなげてみよう
I'll try connecting the pieces of happiness
that seem to overflow in my chest

力強くなる メロディー 繰り返されてくメッセージ
A message makes the strengthening melody repeat
涙がこぼれそうな 長い夜は ふっとふり返って
On a long night when my tears seem to spill, I suddenly turn back
足跡をたどるんだ あの日を忘れないように
And follow my footprints, so that I won't forget about that day


ORANGE RANGE, with this song, I change my perspective and thoughts about you guys. Good work :)


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