Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I have no friggin idea how can those people pass Law with marks like 80+.

And besides, I don't see the sense of it all.

The paper PURELY 100% consists of memorized answers, but not logical and make sense AT ALL.

And besides, I'm not some blardy text memorizer. I'd like to get something in which I can THINK, not MEMORIZE the whole effin text without understanding what the heck it's talking about.

May May~ teach me how to memorize please.. LOL.



N said...

doing law?? WHERE?!

and no its not js memorised answers dear. trust me on that. lol.

Yvonne said...

Oh it's just a paper...Corporate and Business's included in my ACCA qualification... I'm not doing law course hahah~

Ya doin law too?