I was so ignorant, and wished "Oh how I wish that I will get sick one day." on Sunday.
And guess what?
I suffered from high fever on Monday. God my back's so painful and excruciating that morning. I had to sleep throughout the class to ignore that feeling.
I slept for about 4 hours in that 6-hours-lecture by Bill. He must be so proud lol. Luckily he can understand (I hope so) and let me sleep throughout his class.
And today.
Monday 6am --- 38.3°C
Monday 7pm --- 38.5°C
Tuesday 5am --- 39°C
I super ultra hate Panadol and Antibiotics.
Actually I don't really hate antibiotics, until there's this super bitterness that lingers around in my throat FOREVER, ALL THE TIME.
And throughout the day, I feel this sudden heat and sudden coldness all the time. All I want is to stay under the blanket all day without moving a finger.
But no, my dad had to force me to wake up, eat some unappealing bread, and take the damned medication which causes eternal bitterness in my mouth.
And to top it all off, I had to pack and go back to my hometown which has NO INTERNET CONNECTION WHATSOEVER. While I'm still sick dammit. These people have no considerations for the sick. ARRGGGH!
Oh god. I will never wish to get sick anymore. Now please let me get better. I promise I'll do whatever you want. T_T.